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Good Lord this game is AMAZING.
Like FUCK ,so good! I appreciate the gallery/memories list because it helps check out which scenes I haven't registered and that tickles my completionist  brain.

So far I only miss the No Sex Ending (Bad endings) for both (I tried just sleeping until their suspicion went to 100% but that didn't unlock it), and the Low Acceptance again for both (tried throuple acceptance at 0 for each  and then at max but it didn't unlock it). Any hints/tips to unlock those scenes? 

Oh and just wanted to say that I hope you plan to add some more scenes for the Dad, since I noticed the brother has a lot of them. Perhaps some scenes involving his office? Maybe cockwarming/blowjob under the desk and/or office sex? It could even work similarly to the Fast Food fucks from the brother but now for the Dad and at his workplace -wink wink-

In any case, GREAT job! I especially love how you incorporated gifs to the descriptions and how the lust/affection level impacts the scenes, not to mention that they are completely independent from one another. Thank you for creating this!

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Thanks for such a nice compliment! <3

Maybe there are still bugs with those endings, I'll check.

About more scenes to the dad, not entirely sure. However, there will be an office scene in the next patch.

Edit: Thanks for the report, I can confirm those endings are currently bugged and unable to be unlocked. I'll resolve it in the next patch.


So it seems like I can't initiate a scene with the dealer? I've tried buying from him for three days in a row, I've tried buying three things from him all at once - but every time I try to initiate the scene, he just says if I'm not interested in business, then I should go away.

May I know what is the text inside the "Hoeing for some weed" quest in the objectives tab? It will help troubleshoot the issue.

So I did eventually manage to get the scene to trigger (couldn't tell you how), but I reloaded a save get the answer for you.

 - Buying weeds in a conservative town is not an easy task
• Find the dealer at the college dorm to buy some weeds

And thinking about the 'rejection', I think the confusion came from it saying waiting for three days or something like that? I probably just wasn't understanding what it meant.

Glad to hear you solved it. :)

Yea, that was a bit confusing. I'll try to make it less so in future patch.

I've looked everywhere for the cheat password but I can't find it what is it?!!

(1 edit) (+1)

The cheat code is an exclusive benefit for my higher tier patrons, so sadly I can't share it publicly.

Deleted post

Hopefully, it scratches that ADHD's itch real good.

That's my goal  when I described my game as "choices-matter". :D

Deleted post
(1 edit) (+2)

okay, i played the fuck outta this, cuz im a completionist to the core. I DIDNT REALIZE MANNERS WAS OPTIONAL WITH ROB ;;;;; now im too many hours into it to start from the less manners save since his lust takes forever. So, imma convince myself that was the watersports too, since I also forgot to check the preferences during my whole playthrough and didnt activate either that or the incest parts klajsdlkajsdlkajsdlkajsdlkasjdsalkdjsa

im not even into them but damn the completing everything ;;;;

hahahah anyway, your game is a blast, sucked me in completely, since its so carefully crafted for such a messed up prompt. Like, manipulation 101 ig hhahahaha

thanks for creating!

ps: also, fuck, im a dumbass who doesnt read (ironically) and didnt check your instructions in this page, just the ones in objectives. And I thought I could only eat when others were eating at home, never realized it was time locked, i passed out so many times ahhahahahahah. And the dynamic of drugging them with alcohol to make them less suspicious... *chefs kiss*. Honestly, protagonist is so fucked up and I enjoyed playing him so much ahhahasjkdashkdja

Haha, thanks for such a compliment.

Working on the gallery system really paid off big time. <3

Can someone help idk how to get the 3rd ending of bully 😭

The secret?

U need to learn the sleeping thing on nga's grandmother

Sorry I missed your comment. If you (or anyone) want to get spoiled and couldn't find the secret route then please check the image with the instruction below:

Bully's Secret Endings




My patrons will decide where to go next so maybe. ;)

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit) (+1)

Well, I hope it isn't too sad for you. The seasonal depression must have really gotten to me when I wrote the story. 😫

Also, did you manage to find the secret route?




Hah, the secret isn't so secretive after all.

Deleted 1 year ago

That is a nice compliment because that means I did an adequate job depicting a fucked up character. 

Thanks for the feedback! <3


Love your game! Hope to get the new update with the full bully route soon!


You can expect the full bully story to be up tomorrow if everything goes according to plan. :)


I'm already excited, thanks for your work!


best gay nsfw game ive seen in a while. i have a few suggestions tho

1. bathroom scenes

2.lower price of beer

3.add other family members (uncle, cousin, etc)


Thanks for the compliment!

1. Not sure if you're aware but we already have them with bro & dad and the restaurant manager. If you want more bathroom scenes, then we'll have to see.

2. Next public patch will have a new way to get more money.

3. Unsure but again, let's see in the future.


Personally, I think some more bathroom scenes would be great. They're an excellent spot for some unique events, and what we have right now is kinda lacking. Maybe a bathroom scene in the gym? I'm not sure if we have anything like that already, the only thing I've gotten to happen in the gym was for the dad to visit, but interacting with him did nothing.

We already have one with the restaurant manager. 

Regardless, I heard you guys' feedbacks and will put the priority of the bathroom setting higher to apply to the story when it makes sense.

Deleted 2 years ago
(1 edit)

Dear author I would like to recommend that you should increase the amount of pay at work because it's hard to earn and thier suspicions is rapidly increasing each day so how would I able to reach that good ending?


There will be a new work minigame to increase the pay amount as well as a small quest to increase your sleep and hunger counter by 8 hours in the next public patch.


Thank you hope for faster improvement 🤗

I don't want to repeat everything T_T I already downloaded the latest version but I still can't load my old saves

Which version did you play in? For what it's worth, the new persistent gallery system in this patch requires a fresh playthrough to record all the scenes.

Still, sorry for this inconvenience. :(


I'm not completely sure but I think the last version I played in was 0.4 but it's alright , I'll just go through things again since I have the time tonight.

Heyya wish you could create discord🤗

I've got a lot on my plate right now so I can't make/monitor a server. However, you are welcome to join the H2G Discord where I frequent and meet a lot of talented devs with similar games.

I'm encounter a bug rn it's says error when I reload old saves

Please download the latest version, the v0.5f should fix this issue.

onion update the bully ending :)

Probably gonna be around Xmas. Stay tuned!

(1 edit) (+1)

Question how do I encounter the bully idk how


Between 8 and 10am go outside and then go to the college, you will meet him ther

(1 edit)

Like Cloudize said and make sure to check the objectives tab. It has instructions on how to proceed with the story.

But how do I encounter him a second time?

You need to have sex (handjobs are ok) with either the dad or bro. Afterwards, meet him at the college at the same time (8-10).

(1 edit) (+1)

Blown manager plenty of times and cant access the gym, to further relationship

You need to work at the restaurant to proceed with the relationship.

Please note that when you're stuck somewhere, you can look at the OK Notes (Objectives) for tips and instructions.

Hope this helps!

Worked 6-10 more shifts since playing just now and still cant access gym, also tried wrestling and yoga with brother to try and open it up by working out but got nothing still

Hmm, normally you have to blow him 4 times for it to trigger. That's the last thing I can think of that prevent you from meeting him.

Have you update the save? Also, you can access the gym in the outside.

Let me know if it still doesn't work.


Updated saves  nothing seemed to  of happened and cant access from outside. Played on mobile browser originally and unlocked it with relative ease. I think i possibly skipped the stranger giving me advice about the manager, but ill need to double check.

If you can't even see the option for Gym from the outside, it is most likely that you have an old version of the game downloaded.

For a period of time, I forgot to removed the v0.3 from the itch download section, so you may have mistakenly downloaded it. The latest public version is v0.4d.

Let me know if you're able to resolve the problem by doing this.


Question how do I get console fuck

It is the make-up fuck during the beginning of the throuple story where one of the caught you with the other.

Next patch, that scene's name will be changed to Make-up fuck to avoid many, many confusion.  😂


Really fun game. Can't wait for updates! :) 



hey! was just wondering what "console fuck" and "console blowjob" meant, and how to get it 
thanks ;D

It means make-up fuck that you offer them during the beginning of the throuple story.

When you have sex with one of them, the other will catch you if they are in the house. Then you can make it up to them by offer them a blowjob or a fuck. Those are the console fuck/blowjobs.


is the whole game from a bottom pov? Because I don't enjoy it, honestly.
Thank you and good luck <3


Yea, currently it is pretty much all bottom POV. In the future who knows?

Thanks for your wishes! <3

(1 edit) (+2)

How do I get the restaurant quick fuck scene with the stepbrother? Also, I fucking love this game.

(1 edit) (+2)

Thank you! If you mean drunk fuck then you'll have to drink beer with the step-brother twice late in the evening when he's still at home. Afterwards, any lewd activities you suggest will lead you to the fuck scene. Of course you need to have 40+ lust.

For now, this doesn't work properly when he's working in the morning.


This game awesome.

Played this again today, is it a bug that rimming during a threesome can only be done once? also I think the finishing part of both handjob is missing a picture.

Thanks! I'll take a look and will get a fix next patch.


how do you get money in this game?


If you haven't figured it out yet: Work at the fast food restaurant. 


Lovely game you've made, having lots of fun with it.

I do have a couple of questions though.

1. Are there going to be any extracirricular scenes outside of working, because so far...there's not much to do other than work and sleep and eat. 

Specifically, I wondered if there were going to be odds things to do around the town such as:

Going to the gym and working as a part-time assistnt there for some of the locals.

Jogging at the park and picking up guys at the local bathroom.

Studying at a local community center at the college and maybe getting a chance to tutor someone.

Walking around the city and maybe finding different people who you can pickpocket.

Doing some martial arts after paying to enroll in a martial arts school in town.

Perhaps taking the bus and going down to the local beach to hang out with the local sailors.

Visit a graveyard to meet up with the local goths during their poetry slam.

Heading down to the animal sanctuary and taking care of the animals there.

Spending time at the zoo and saving someone from an animal that got loose and getting hired on.

Taking a strange paid trial at the night.

Helping one of the local bikers get parts from the town junkyard.

Just little things like that.

And I thought the seducing alone in my game was a job and a half already lol

For now, I'm not really sure. I'll let the story leads me to the activities that make sense. One certain thing is that I would like to add more ways to get money since many reported that they struggled with buying stuffs a lot.

I'm adding a new gallery system in the 0.5 patch though, so that will be a lot of work for completionists who want to 100% the game.


Just want to say i love this game very much, it's pretty well written the storyline is very interesting and i'm curious to see what's next! :)

And i'm sorry if someone already asked but what engine did you use to make the game? And is it hard to work with it? :)

Thanks so much for such nice words. :D

This game is developed on Twine using Sugarcube 2 story format. It's fairly easy if you only do a choose-your-own-adventure type of stories but gets more complicated once you go for a sand-boxy type of game like mines.

I find it okay to work with, but this is the first time I've touched any kind of coding so... take it as a grain of salt.

Okay! Thank you soo much! :


how to get the threesome? i feel like i have tried everything but just not getting the option

(3 edits) (+1)

Follow the instructions of the Family Union quest in the OK Notes under the character button.

The general gist of it:

  • Get both of their affection rate to maximum - 45.
  • Talk to the step-dad to begin the throuple story.
  • At this point, I recommend you do the Shifty Hooker quest to change the step-brother's shifts to the morning because all of the following steps require they are at home at the same time and you can catch them there in the evening.
  • At first, have sex (regular handjob, blowjob, fuck) with either of them to reach 5 acceptance.
  • Then, talk to the step-brother to begin the threesome scenes.
  • Right off the bat, there won't be many threesome interactions because they're still not used to with having sex with you in the presence of each other.
  • However, once you reach higher acceptance, you will unlock more choices during the scenes including the threesome options.

Hope this helps!


thanks that helped

Some Guide please

(1 edit)

I haven't written a guide yet.

For now, if you are stuck anywhere, you can find some hints/solution on the OK Notes or you can ask here.

Deleted 1 year ago
(2 edits) (+2)

You can but only after you have bought 3 bags and wait for 3 days from the first time you suggest to suck him.

If you're stuck anywhere, make sure to check the OK NOTES. There are directions and hints there.

Well, the suspicion stat is pretty much impossible to go up once you reach max affection with both of them. And reaching max affection is the prerequisites to start the throuple, so I didn't think it was necessary going forward. 

Deleted 1 year ago
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At the end of the day, this is just a game that people jerk off to. Most players don't tend to look for challenging aspects within my game because honestly, it's like cock-blocking.

The misc/need systems are there for people who are curious about the various endings and if they want to explore those options. Not way too punishing that's it is unpreventable from getting bad endings. 

As of right now, people aren't incented going for them. However, with the new and improved gallery system in the 0.5 patch (essentially like a VN's one), they need to do bad endings to get 100% all scenes unlocked which is definitely not easy. 


What should I do after Tom's lust status reaches 30 I can't increase it anymore I tried all options and it can't increase it anymore ?

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If it's either the stepdad or the stepbro. You can initiate a blowjob in the middle of the handjob. From then you will be able to suggest blowjob regularly. Same thing with the 40 lust mark. 

Also, in case you're lost somewhere, the OK (Objectives & Knowledge) Notes tab can probably help.

How do I get the console fuck? Noticed a option for that in the scene viewer for when you choose to be theirs.


oh wait nvm im dumb i thought it was related to the TV ad w Exclusive fans

Haha, sorry but I probably should change it to make-up sex?


I think the game is bugged I can't get over 20 lust with the step dad. Whenever I try for a handjob it works but the lust doesn't increase and time doesn't move forward


Noted, I will get a fix for that quickly.


Hi, the hotfix has been deployed, it should work well now. Thanks for the report.

Deleted 2 years ago

Thanks so much for the ideas, but after 3.0, I'm kind of putting their story on hold. I may come back to them in the future.

Gym will be in the in the 4.0 which will be released later this month on my patreon.

Deleted 1 year ago

In 0.3, you can technically visit the college but only for a side quest.  It depends on the content votes in the future. :)

hi, I'm trying to download it from Android but it is not possible to install, it appears that the file does not open, what do I do??

Download the zip and exact it if needed.

Afterward, tap the TFC-0.2.1A.html and you will be able to play it on your phone's browser.

However, if you can't see any image at all. I suggest you download the JoiPlay app and run the game through it. It will solve the no image or video bug.

how to get your step bro drunk fuck my hole at his work?

You have to drink beer with him 2 times in the evening  preferably around 9 pm since, he will be drunk for only 8 hours. Then you go to the restaurant and click on any of the sex options and the scene will show.

thanks and when will he be spending his time on the living room and how do I let the dad to fondle his dick?

He only spends time at the living room around 18:00. Fondle you have to use the same method as above with him. He only accepts to drink after 21:00 before midnight. 

I try playibg ut but why tho i have been 15 times tease but when i choose to accidentally touch he still get angry? and also how can i know how many points i get?? I counted it by writing but still not enough :<

There are some places that you simply cannot do that i.e bathroom/restaurant.  If you have enough points but still unable to do it in bedroom/living room/ kitchen, then please send me a screenshot or some details of how you got there. It will help me a ton!

You don't need to keep track of it manually, all info is in the characters tab.

Let me know if you need any other help!


i get it now i try playing it so many times that i actually get a chance to know how to play it but thanks for the info it's still a big help for me


Great update! Loved the watersport scenes and how they change according to whether it's a loving or hating relationship. And I'm not even into watersports.

How do you get the rocket pill? I used to be able to buy it at the dept store, I can't now

(1 edit) (+1)

You have to watch TV first to see the ad before being able to buy it. 

Also thanks for the love! 


Error: <<set>>: bad evaluation: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'Broteasebathroom')

<<set $ws.Broteasebathroom = true>>

Hi, did this error happen during the bathroom tease with bro? If yes, then it must be an issue using the save from previous patches (including 0.2.1). Let me know if you still have this issue in a fresh playthrough.


Is there or will there be a Love-ending with BOTH characters when they're both on max. affection and lust? - It'd be kinda hot to get spit-rosted by them every day then ;-P

And since they're all affected by the "Family Curse", they could probably save a meal or two pumping so much "lovejuice" into each other.

Just an idea though...I'd just hope to have a possibility for more income somehow since I have both now on max. affection and lust but not all scenes unlocked yet and would need to reduce "suspicion" quite a bit for both.

Also, it doesn't seem quite as logical for them to be "suspicious" in a negative sense, when they love the MC and lust for him all the time.
It would seem more logical for them to kinda admit to their loving affection since they're already breeding and sharing their seed with each other regularly and not turn around from "suspicion" into something more destructive suddenly (at 100).

I mean after sharing their seed a couple of times, it's obvious for the dumbest mofo, that there's more going on. And since they then obviously enjoy it (with love and/or Lust at max.), it would be kinda self-defying for their own greatest source of pleasure (the MC) to be suddenly expelled from their access for whatever reason, i.m.h.o.

That mechanic still feels a bit "off" to me for the named reason(s).
I dunno, but with affection and lust at max., a good ending should be "inevitable" really - either for all three or for at least the MC and one of the others then (choice whether to becum a happy couple or throuple).

Of course, I'm aware, that maybe adding another layer of complexity is pretty work- and time-consuming and therefore probably unlikely, unless enough peeps from your player-audience would wish for it and you'd find it worth your time to implement it. The Game is still really awesome and I love it, despite the little "annoyances" I found in the Gameplay! <3

So, I'm looking forward to see where you're taking this or if you're gonna create a new Ga(y)me anytime soon even.

Cheers and keep up the good work! <3

(1 edit) (+1)

>Also, it doesn't seem quite as logical for them to be "suspicious" in a negative sense, when they love the MC and lust for him all the time.

If you aren't aware when their affection to you get to max you almost never get any suspicion from scenes except for daily gain and from the pill - because I'll be pissed if someone I love do that to me tbh lol. Also, despite the name, it is much more nuanced than that. It is like inhibitions, doubt, moral dilemma, regret rolled neatly into a package called suspicion (I probably played Among Us too much). "Realistically" (well as realistic as it can be), there would always be some hesitations in the back of your mind if the situation truly happened.

>I dunno, but with affection and lust at max., a good ending should be "inevitable" really - either for all three or for at least the MC and one of the others then (choice whether to becum a happy couple or throuple).

This is still a ongoing project, so maybe the current conclusions may not be ideal but they are still endings nonetheless as I really dislike cliffhangers. I've thought of the throuple option and if it comes to the game, it will be a whole extended story based on jealousy mechanic of some sorts because it can be interesting in this triangle dynamic.


Thanks so much for your answer! <3

I see now what I missed, I think: the emotional challenge of accepting the non-conventional affection/love/urges usually can end in a dra-/traumatic event, that's true. Especially in the "conventional", emotionally immature human beings, that most of us have been or stay throughout our lives, unless we either want to (intrinsically) or are forced to (because of criminal behavior as a consequence of the incapacity to deal with our Emotions more constructively as the source of information about our very own being/values/spirit/psyche/mind etc. they  represent) learn to deal with them more constructively.

Without a certain amount of "pain-pressure" and the understanding that this pain is showing us, that something within our Identity/conviction/belief is not as coherent with our needs and actions as it should be - and instead pain is fetishized maybe as a way to overcompensate this incoherence in worst case scenario (which is fortunately not always the case, but it's definitely ONE way, a significant amount of people deal with it, I've learned) -, only very few people have been able to stay curious, self-aware/-reflected and open-minded enough to go on this path without that need for a painful "catalyst event", that breaks their idea about themselves ("identity") down beforehand...

So, I see your point now I think and I think it'll help me enjoy it even more - even though I still would hope for a "good end" option then, too - where the characters becoming destructive eventually find help to process all those things before "channeling" those inner conflicts into an overly destructive outlet (since then, the story - if it happens to be played by someone who's horny but in such a similar situation could inspire their sub-consciousness maybe to seek out the professional help they do need at such a point of an escalating [inner] conflict, you see?).

If you've already done that (I have to admit I haven't gotten there yet), please ignore that last last paragraph and just account it to my temporary ignorance of it at this point).

Thanks for creating this piece of (adult) art - I think we need naughty and uninhibited stories, that also don't give a damn about dogmatic moral ideas around some of our most fundamental human needs (meaningful connection on the one hand and sexuality on the other, both of which are most pleasant when served together, but depending on the kind of inter-human relationships we have with our unique fellow human beings, they can or cannot be present together).

Cheers and looking forward to reading and exploring more! <3

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