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are there any scenes or dialogue paths where I can play as the top?

Currently, no.

how can i reach the "unhappy"ending in dad & bro's story

You need to have max lust and lowest affection with each of them to get that ending.

thank you🥹


Oniion IM backkkk heeeerreee love your work boy it's been so long you have many update thanks


Hi your game is probably the best game i ever played of this gender.  Do you have other works?


Sadly no, between work and being a solo dev, it leaves me little time to focus on anything else.

I have some ideas, but we'll have to see if they become real games in the future.

How do i increase step bro's lust after 30

In the middle of the handjob scene, you will see the option to give him the blowjob. Afterwards, give him blowjobs to increase his lust. Repeat the same thing with fucking when you reach 40 lust.

Is it normal for the mechanic and the compulsion ring not to appear in some runs?

Not normal. It's very unlikely, if played normally, you will miss the mechanic entirely.

how do you get the lover ending with the construction worker? I tried not stealing his underwear and gone on dates with him

In order to get the lover ending you need to choose the following:

1st date: Option 2

2nd date: Option 2

Final: Option 3

How do I track my dad's or bro's "lust" or "affection" bar?

You can see them by clicking on the Characters section on the sidebar.

How do i get to 45 magic when using the ring? cause it's not letting me get it and I have normal in affection.

Meditate -> Convince -> Meditate -> Persuade to reach 45 point.

thx so much<3

what is the question mark stuff in chris' walkthrough?

Those are hidden path for the bully story. Check the following for answer if you don't mind: SPOILER

Heya I don't want to spoil ending here so can you dm me on twitter @ChrisAntct I just don't know if my issue is a bug or I just don't know how to unlock it.

I dm'd you the first step to reach those secret scenes on Twitter. You can check it.

Is this game avaliable for download for Android at all?

Yes, you can.


  • Download the zip and extract to a folder (there will be a .html file and a media folder)
  • Find the latest version of JoiPlay here:
  • Download this app and install it
  • Entering the JoiPlay app
  • Tap the "+" icon on the top -> "Add Game" -> "Choose"
  • Find the .html file of the game in your phone's storage -> "Choose"
  • Game name: leave default or input any name -> "Next"
  • Version (can be skipped) -> "Next"
  • Icon (can be skipped) -> "Next"
  • Play the game through the JoiPlay app for the media to display properly

How do I get the rocket pills?

Watch TV several times at first and it will be unlocked to buy at the department store.

does the weed have any others uses than to give em to the Manager?


Only to give the manager for now. It may become a trigger in a future storyline.


I love this game but i am Spanish speaking and I wonder if you plan to release a Spanish version?


Sadly, I do not have any plan to support other languages at this moment. I'd love to but it is out of my capability.


How do I get the Library Fuck for Chris?

(1 edit)

Eastern Medicine shop -> Theoretically, what is something good to give to your “bully”? -> Get the pen -> Give him the pen at his home -> You can now visit him at the book club from 14:00 to 16:00 at the college on Tuesday and Thursday -> Have at least 16 lust with him -> Go to the book club -> You will unlock the scene there

Deleted 182 days ago

You can start doing that when he gives you the key to his apartment which is at 7 lust point.

Steal his underwear when he's not at home a.k.a 9:00 - 16:59.


the only thing I hate in this game is the ring of compulsion. The ring in my opinion is the easy way out.  For example the mechanic: I would of had it where you have to build up his affection for you by helping him in his shop buying him gifts siding with him when he and his wife argue. By the way could not stand his wife all she did was complain. Another example the park i would of had it where you had to buildup your reputation as a slut/whore

(1 edit) (+2)

Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Think of it this way, it's also the easy way out for the players since it will skip the grinding (which I tend to avoid). I try to keep my game as lean as possible, so people can get to the meat quicker while maintaining some believability. So yeah, sometimes we just gotta resort to magic.

But I do think building up reputation system can be great in a smaller and contained setting such as prison.  Sound exciting, huh? It may be in the plan for the future.


i would love  to be able to create your character  and decide how they look. Like body type ex average petite athletic muscular/bulky, eye color, hair, cock size like average big hung gigantic

(1 edit)

problem with the download, the file is properly downloaded but when i open the game it doesnt show any of the images in it could it be my browser or do i have to download something else

Windows: Extract the zip and play with the html file in your browser (do not make any change to the extracted file and folder)


  • Download the zip and extract to a folder (there will be a .html file and a media folder)
  • Find the latest version of JoiPlay here:
  • Download this app and install it
  • Entering the JoiPlay app
  • Tap the "+" icon on the top -> "Add Game" -> "Choose"
  • Find the .html file of the game in your phone's storage -> "Choose"
  • Game name: leave default or input any name -> "Next"
  • Version (can be skipped) -> "Next"
  • Icon (can be skipped) -> "Next"
  • Play the game through the JoiPlay app for the media to display properly

What cheat code is?

Are all the new scenes for 11.1 or 10.2?


These are the new scenes for the public patch 0.10.2 on itch:

  • 1 repeatable jerking scene (involving lockers)
  • 1 repeatable handjob scene at the gym (using the ring of compulsion)
  • 1 repeatable blowjob scene at the gym (using the ring of compulsion)
  • 1 repeatable fuck scene at the gym (using the ring of compulsion)
  • 1 unique blowjob scene with the gym owner
  • 1 unique fuck scene with the gym owner
Deleted 86 days ago

If you are on Android please download the JoiPlay app and play the game through it. Here is the download link:

If you're on Windows, make sure there is no special characters in the path to the game. Try redownload the game and extract it again to see if it works.

Some Media still won't load on PC for me. Even when i did the fix scenes button. Everything is checked too.

Please make sure that there is no special characters in the path to the game directory. Try switching to a different browser as well as redownload the game and extract it to see if it works.

Been using the downloaded from the Itch app. Even redownloaded it multiple times

Perhaps, try downloading from your browser instead of the app. Other than that, it maybe something to do with your PC that prevents some media from display properly.

How do you get the orgy with 3 men with the construction worker

You have to start the hate path with him by stealing 3+ underwears before the first fuck. Then just follow the story and you'll naturally reach that scene.


kind of wish you could buy sex toys or do something else with the money you get

Maybe in the future. We'll see.


Hello, I love your game very very much and I wanted to know when will the next update (V0.10.2) will come ?

I'm still working on the patch and it is expected to be released in a few days (10th is the latest).

Thanks for your patience.


Okay thank you so much, take your time don't worry, I hope there will be more things to do with the step bro and step dad ;) I really love the step dad <3 lol

Hey, i recently decided to try this game and have been going through a few routes. Only did the manager (bad manner) route and police good ending route so far. Im working on the mechanic route, and during the manager route i messed around with the mechanic a few times and got to the house fuck, but i couldnt figure out how to get the 45 to get to that part. The highest i get is 40 i believe. Would love some help on how to get the extra 5, thanks! Love the game by the way.

I'm a bit confused which character you are talking about. The only characters that has 40+ lust are the step-dad and step-bro. Other ones have maximum lust in much lower value.

oh I'm not talking about lust. I'm talking about the ring. 

(1 edit)

I'm even more confused now. Ring mechanic doesn't involve any large number like 40+. 

Oh my bad. You're probably talking about the magic mini game: Meditate -> Convince -> Meditate -> Persuade to reach 45 point.

Hola el juego es para PC, o se puede ejecutar y jugar sin problemas en Android, es decir si lo descargo en mi móvil podré jugarlo?

Si estás en Android, descarga la aplicación JoiPlay aquí: 

  • Descargue el zip de The Family's Curse y extráigalo a una carpeta (habrá un .html y una media carpeta)
  • Descarga la aplicación JoiPlay e instálala
  • Ingresando a la aplicación JoiPlay
  • Toca el ícono "+" en la parte superior -> "Add Game" -> "Choose"
  • Encuentra el archivo .html del juego en el almacenamiento de tu teléfono -> "Choose"
  • Game name: deja el valor predeterminado o ingresa cualquier nombre -> "Next"
  • Version (se puede omitir) -> "Next"
  • Icon (se puede omitir) -> "Next"
  • Juega a través de la aplicación JoiPlay para que los medios se muestren correctamente

what is the name of porn (first gif) in ring fuck at the park?I think you should add credits into the game, so you can see the name of porn u used.Also when is the next update

1. Unknown.

2. Maybe, I can't promise.

3. I'm having a lot of health problems so the update is delayed. Next one is expected to be released in early April.

Hai i love this game but if it's  possible  can you allow us to continue the story even after getting  an ending that way I can explore other areas and don't  have to restart the the game again also it will be good if we gets to do some other activities after we chose someone as our. partner 

Once you unlock the ending, you can return to previous pages by hitting the left arrow button on the top left. Otherwise, you can save before going through endings and you can reload it after unlocking the scenes.

Having issues with some scenes appearing have show media activated, and have hit the fix old bug thing a few times?

Which platform/os are you playing the game in?


does anyone know the password for the tv

how do i get «degrading fuck on night 6» with the police

You must have 5 or less respect from him. After the first orgy on stage, instead of accepting the next orgy, you must go and find the police in his room, then you'll unlock that scene.

How do you get the donut blowjob with the police?

(1 edit)

Must finish the Sexcavation Expedition (and not choosing to end the game) -> Go to Eastern Medicine Shop -> "Do you have anything that [[the police's name]] likes?" -> Buy the donuts -> Visit the police station from 12 PM until 2 PM -> Give him a bj (repeatable by buying the donut every day)

trying to work on bully but it seems nothing changes with max lust. did i miss a step???


Go back to Thia' s Granny's shop, you will find pills there, then once again go back to bully. Disclaimer: you can no longer do the daily bully interactions anymore and can only do bully ending

can’t seem to get the blowjob scene with the step brother. I have affection to the max and lust to 30 (can’t seem to get higher after handjob). Any help?


You need to do the handjob with the step bro and in the middle of the page there will be a choice box that leads to the first blowjob scene. Same thing going from blowjobs to fucks and also with the step-dad.

(1 edit)

Hey, I am really interested in your game. I would like to play it, but, I actually have a friend of mine whos name is one of the characters inside.  I'd like to change it as I am really uncomfortable with playing it like this, but I delved into the game files (sorry if that's not allowed) but I couldn't figure it out.


You can only do it when you first met them. There should be a white space containing their names in the page of introduction and you can change it only during that time. Otherwise, you'll need to restart the game which don't be afraid to do since the gallery unlocks persist between saves.


Oh thank you! I didn't actually open the game at all so I didn't know about this 

I am stuck at perverted level for the step-dad and step-broth routes. How can I increase that?

If your lust with them reaches 40, do a regular bj and in the middle of the page there should be an option to suggest a fuck. Afterwards, you'll be able to increase the lust by doing anal with them.


Is there a chance to date mike (construction guy) again? I didn't know the game before and I happen to flunk our first video. How do I get to see him again? 

You need to restart from the beginning. Don't be afraid to do it though since the gallery unlocks persists across saves/runs.

(1 edit)

This game is so incredibly hot, love it. I am wondering how to unlock scenes like the gym ones, or any outside of the house. Sorry if this is a dumb question, I might've missed something. (Also do I have to download to unlock non-house scenes?)

Most of the scenes, you can unlock through just playing the game some hidden ones are mostly from doing the gift quests in the Eastern Medicine shop.

The game is fully complete-able online or offline. Just go outside, explore and you'll discover a new roster of characters & scenes.


Hello. I had 2 days off and completed quite a bit of the game. It was soooo hot. Very. But I also came across 3 errors. The moment with the new gay in the car shop does newer count. Problem with the manager, here skreenshot. 

and in grandma’s store, if at the beginning you buy gifts for your brother and father, then nothing new appears. Even after completing the expedition, no new gifts or donuts appeared. I had to start over and not buy anything until the end.

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